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Jefferson Jog-a-thon event page 2.png

It's Jog-A-Thon Time!

When: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Where: Jefferson Main Field

Students walk, run, or skip around the track at this annual event to support our amazing Jefferson programs! 

Raise money ● Win prizes ● Have FUN!

¡El Festival Multicultural de Jefferson es un evento anual y uno de los favoritos de la comunidad del Barrio! ¡La admisión es gratis! ¡Los estudiantes actuarán y habrá juegos, premios, camiones de comida, artesanías y una subasta silenciosa que no querrá perderse!

¡Estén atentos para más detalles!

Como participar

Jog-A-Thon Schedule

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TK AM & Kinder EB

8:10 - 9:05


Warm Up




Cool down & popsicles

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2nd & 3rd Grades

11:05 - 12:10


Warm Up




Cool down & popsicles

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4th & 5th Grades

8:55 - 10:00


Warm Up

9:05- 9:50


9:50-10:00 am

Cool down & popsicles

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Kinder Late Owls

12:05 - 12:55


Warm Up




Cool down & popsicles

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1st Grade

9:50 - 10:40


Warm Up




Cool down & popsicles

(10:40-11:00 Recess)

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1:35 - 2:25


Warm Up

1:45 pm - 2:15 pm Walk/Run/Jog

2:15pm - 2:25pm
Cool down & popsicles

Amazing Prizes!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can parents volunteer?

Absolutely!  Please refer to the following school sign up!  We can use help leading up to Jogathon and especially the day of!


Can parents run/walk with their kids?   



How long does Jefferson collect money?

All month long! We would be grateful for coins, cash, checks (made out to Jefferson Elementary PTA), and credit cards.  All donations are tax-deductible.  If a receipt is needed, please indicate this on the donation card going home in packets.  All credit card donations receive a receipt for taxes automatically. 


Where do we turn in donations?

Feel free to have your student turn them in during class or turn them into the office.


When do we turn in pledge cards?

Please turn in pledge cards by the day of Jogathon February 26th.  We will tally and calculate any money owed for your runner, and return to backpacks as soon as possible. 

Are you selling Encouragement Posters to line the track? 

We sure are!  You can buy them at drop off, pick up or purchase electronically.  Please refer to the Jogathon Website for the electronic order form! 


What is the goal?

Overall School Goal: $35,000

Individual Student Goal: $75


What are the prizes?

Highest Dollar Amount Raised Weekly By Classroom/Teacher:

  • Popcorn, PJ’s, and Bring a Stuffy Party (Announced Tuesday, February 11th)

  • Pizza Party (Announced Tuesday, February 18th)

  • Ice cream bars/Popsicle party (Announced Friday, February 28th)


Most Laps Run

  • New Running Shoes 

TK- male/female

K-1st- male/female

2nd-3rd- male/female

4th-5th- male/female


Highest $ Raised by Kids:

Top 3 - Spirit Wear of choice

Next 4- Lolas with Mrs. Merritt


Most pledges:

Top 4 will get to go to Aloha Ice with Mrs.Susie

What does it cost to run the event?  

We budgeted $2,000 to run the event. All remaining proceeds go directly back to the programs at Jefferson!

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